Friday, February 3, 2023

 SHOKWAVE - latest! Fingers crossed most of you will have your copies of Book 1 by now. There maybe a few backers from outside the UK who are still waiting for their stuff - we hope it will be with you any day now. UK backers should all have it in hand (let us know if you're still waiting.)

In some sad news I have to reveal that Vincent Danks has had to stand down from drawing The Clock Strikes! from Book 2 onwards. Don't worry, Vince is fine, but he's just too busy with life and other art jobs (for Ariel Press and others) and can't manage to squeeze us in. However the HAPPY NEWS is that artist Adam Jakes (who you might know from LONG PIG?) is taking over the Clock's adventures - and he's doing some cracking noir work on it... Here's a sample! More soon!


 SHOKWAVE BOOK 4 is now on sale from this blog to your right! As with the earlier issues it's 48 pages long featuring colour and black a...